Flat Files to a Database
  • 23 Dec 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Flat Files to a Database

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Article summary

Goal: Create a database table from a flat file.

High-level Task: Given a .csv file, create a new database table. This table should have all the data from the flat file in the same format. Preview it with a database source node to verify the data can be queried elsewhere.

Detailed Task:

  1. Create a new flow.
  2. Add a new database connection.
  3. Add a Flat File source node to the canvas. Open the Iris.csv file.
  4. Add a Database export node to the canvas. Attach the Flat File source node to this node.
  5. Configure the export node to create a new table named -Iris, preceeded by your initials. Run the node.
  6. Add a Database source node to the canvas. Run the following query (with the correct table name) to preview the data: SELECT * FROM IRIS

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