White Noise
  • 06 Jan 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Dark

White Noise

  • Dark

Article summary


The White Noise node is used to determine how much white noise exists within a dataset.

Configuration Options

Basic Configuration Options

Split ColumnsThe selected column(s) will be used to split the data set over when calculating summary metrics.
Sort ColumnsThe selected column(s) will be used to sort the data based on the selected Split Columns.
StrategyThe strategy used to measure white noise.

  • Ljung-Box
  • Box-Pierce
Target ColumnThe column containing the values to measure for white noise.
LagLag used within the Target Column when calculating white noise.
p Value ThresholdThe p value indicates the amount of white noise in the data. A value over .05 indicates there is white noise present.
Below Threshold LabelValue to place in the Strategy output column if the p value is below the p Value Threshold.
Above Threshold LabelValue to place in the Strategy output column if the p value is above the p Value Threshold.


PreviewAfter configuring the node, the combined result set can be previewed by clicking the Preview button.

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