Jobs Scheduler
  • 23 Dec 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Jobs Scheduler

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Article summary

Scheduling Jobs

Jobs can be scheduled to run at predetermined times.

To schedule a new job, click on Jobs Schedules under the Execute dropdown in the top bar.


Click on Add to add a new scheduled job.


In order to update the scheduled job, click the Edit button. This will open the Edit Job dialog.


The following settings can be configured here:

Flow ProfileFlow to run the job with
Run ProfileRun profile to run the job with
Output Log DirLocation of the log output for the scheduled job
ScheduleThe schedule that the job runs on. Can be set according to Minutes, Hours, Days of the Month, Months, Days of the Week. An asterisk means the job will run at every possible opportunity (i.e., every minutes, every hour, etc.)
EnabledIf checked, the job will run at the next scheduled time

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