Forecast Category
  • 13 Jan 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Forecast Category

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Article summary


The Forecast Category node divides actuals data for multiple combo splits into buckets, based on total demand and demand variation.

Configuration Options

Basic Configuration Options

Split ColumnsThe selected columns splits the data set over when calculating summary metrics.
Sort By ColumnsSort data rows by these columns.
Target ColumnActuals data column.

Advanced Configuration Options

High-Medium Demand ThresholdCutoff between demand categories.
Medium-Low Demand ThresholdCutoff between demand categories.
High-Medium Variation ThresholdCutoff between variation categories.
Medium-Low Variation ThresholdCutoff between variation categories.

Category Breakout

Each combo will be put into a bucket based on the total demand for that combo, and variation across periods of demand.

Total demand is calculated by summing all demand for the entire combo. The coefficient of variation is the ratio between the standard deviation of demand and the mean of demand.

There are nine possible buckets over 2 axes: high/medium/low demand, and high/medium/low variation.

This breakout is set by the thresholds set in the Advanced tab.


PreviewOnce the node is configured, the combined result set can be previewed at any time.

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